În urma jurizării fotografiilor din cele două secțiuni ale Salonului Inetrnațional de Artă Fotografică al FotoClubPro Arad ediția a III-a au fost acceptate 101 de fotografii, 50 la secțiunea color, 50 la secțiunea monocrom și Marele Premiu al Salonului.
The results of the jury of the International Photographic Art Salon , FotoClubProArad, 3rd edition
Based upon the results of the jury of the two sections of the International Photographic Art Salon held by FotoClubProArad, 3rd edition, 101 photographs have been accepted, 50 in the color category, 50 in the monochrome category and the grand prize of the Salon
Fotografiile premiate sunt:
The winning photographs are:
The results of the jury of the International Photographic Art Salon , FotoClubProArad, 3rd edition
Based upon the results of the jury of the two sections of the International Photographic Art Salon held by FotoClubProArad, 3rd edition, 101 photographs have been accepted, 50 in the color category, 50 in the monochrome category and the grand prize of the Salon
Fotografiile premiate sunt:
The winning photographs are:
Premiul Special al Salonului oferit de
The special prize of the Salon, offered by SinPro:
The special prize of the Salon, offered by SinPro:
Gabriel Tudosescu –
Angel 4
Gabriel Tudosescu - Angel 4
Gabriel Tudosescu - Angel 4
Color category:
Locul I - Grigore Roibu- Media
Ist place: Grigore Roibu - Media Latinitas
Ist place: Grigore Roibu - Media Latinitas
Locul II - Alexandra Maria Fira-Fata cu
turbanul roșu
II-nd place Alexandra Maria Fira- The girl with the red turban
II-nd place Alexandra Maria Fira- The girl with the red turban
Locul III- Yarema Protsiv – Old Man
III-rd place Yarema Protsiv - Old Man
III-rd place Yarema Protsiv - Old Man
Mentiune - Tania Pavlyk – The Seducer
Mention Tanya Pavlyk - The Seducer
Mention Tanya Pavlyk - The Seducer
Mențiune - Dancoglu Constantin – Scufița
Mention Dancoglu Constantin - Little Red Riding Hood
Mention Dancoglu Constantin - Little Red Riding Hood
Secțiunea monocrom:
Monochrome category:
Monochrome category:
Locul I- Sobolev Alexandr – Beauty
Ist place: Sobolev Alexandr - Beauty
Locul III - Gabriel Tudosescu – Angel
Mențiune - Petrilă Gheorghe – Rugăciune în
Mențiune - Alexandra Maria Fira-Îngerul a
Până la redactarea listei cu
celelalte fotografii acceptate acestea pot fi vizualizate la următoarele
Secțiunea color: http://www.flickr.com/photos/97314446@N04/sets/72157634157606020/
Secțiunea monocrom: http://www.flickr.com/photos/97314446@N04/sets/72157634157829872/
Secțiunea color: http://www.flickr.com/photos/97314446@N04/sets/72157634157606020/
Secțiunea monocrom: http://www.flickr.com/photos/97314446@N04/sets/72157634157829872/
The accepted photographs can be seen here:
Color category: http://www.flickr.com/photos/97314446@N04/sets/72157634157606020/
Monochrome category: http://www.flickr.com/photos/97314446@N04/sets/72157634157829872/
Color category: http://www.flickr.com/photos/97314446@N04/sets/72157634157606020/
Monochrome category: http://www.flickr.com/photos/97314446@N04/sets/72157634157829872/
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